WSQ Primary Students in Class

Primary School

Key Stage 1 and 2

Year 1 - Year 6

The Primary School Curriculum is based on the English National Curriculum (ENC) which we have modified to meet the needs of our mainly international students taking into account the local context they live in  and the GEMS core values. The influence of our host nation adds a rich Arabic tier to our programme, introducing students to, and developing knowledge about the local culture and heritage. The curriculum enables our students to develop skills for life and is underpinned by our bespoke student learner profile. It supports our students' natural curiosity and interests and provides opportunities for them to extend their learning and develop a variety of learning styles.

Download our latest Primary Curriculum Guide here.

Head of Primary

Caz Jude
"I believe that every child has a talent and it is our job to nurture and develop that talent. We are all lifelong learners and we never reach our potential or stop learning."

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