Samirah Mahmoud WSQ

Samirah Mahmood

Primary Phonics Lead

My name is Samirah Mahmood and I am the RWI Phonics Lead and Year 1 class teacher at Gems Wellington School. I am from London and I have been at Gems Wellington School for five years.

I am passionate about developing Phonics and Early Reading skills. It is a privilege to be able to teach children, the joy that is reading and watch them progress from learning their sounds to using expression and understanding word meaning. I firmly believe students deserve the best start in their school journey, with high quality phonics teaching. Our dynamic RWI phonics program is instrumental in igniting this passion for reading, a journey I am privileged to embark on with our students. Equipping young learners with proficient reading skills is essential for their lifelong success. Here at Gems Wellington School we foster a love for reading and empower our students to become independent, lifelong learners.


Meet Our Team

You can be assured that teachers from GEMS Wellington School - Qatar are highly qualified, experienced and regularly participate in ongoing training programmes to further their skills and abilities.

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